Safety Checks

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If it’s been awhile since you had a vehicle safety check, or you’re planning a roadtrip, now is the time to have a professional vehicle safety check at BestDrive Subiaco. Located at 123 Thomas Street, Subiaco, we service those in Subiaco, Webley, Floreat, Nedlands, Northbridge.

A car safety check with one of our qualified technicians is a quick and easy service that can provide you with the peace of mind that your vehicle is safe for on-road use.

How to book a safety check in Subiaco

To book your vehicle in for a safety check, phone us on (08) 9382 1192, or contact us. Our qualified technicians will provide you with a comprehensive safety check to help identify any problems. This can sometimes be the difference between finding and dealing with minor issues before they become more expensive issues if left unnoticed until much later.